After years of ambition, vision and planning the World Literacy Summit became a reality in April 2012 in the beautiful surroundings of Oxford. Oxford is home to the oldest University in the English-speaking world as well as the venue for many of history’s most important literacy events. The World Literacy Summit is a biennial international conference. The WLS 2012 brought together two hundred and forty nine participants from fifty two countries. Our goal was to enable attendees to collaborate, share ideas and learn from your fellow delegates. Over three days an action plan and declaration was developed that illustrated the shared insights and responsibilities. The conference strengthened exchange and collaboration amongst all involved. All delegates were encouraged to contribute toward the Oxford Declaration. We were able to provide the opportunity to develop strategies and discuss the various ways we as a united front can help support the emerging global challenges that stem from illiteracy.
Key Topics
Topics addressed at World Literacy Summit 2012 included:
- Transforming Illiteracy
- Specialised Programmes for Unique Cultures
- New Technologies in Learning
- The Long Term Cost of Literacy Difficulties
- Adult Literacy
- Country-specific interventions
- Early childhood literacy
- Illiteracy in Urban Areas of the Developed World