

The World Literacy Council holds two flagship international events: a yearly international Literacy Conference—held this year in Melbourne, Australia—and a biyearly World Literacy Summit, held in Oxford, United Kingdom in 2012 and 2014.

These events provide participants with the unique opportunity to network and enhance their relationships within the literacy and development sectors.

The annual Literacy Conference was introduced this year as a way of consolidating the partnerships formed at the previous Summit and creating an ongoing dialogue to follow on from the themes explored in Oxford.

The Literacy Conference is a standalone event in its own right, offering delegates and literacy NGOs the same opportunities to share ideas and expand their knowledge, although in a slightly abbreviated format. Unlike the Summit, which is based in Oxford, the Conference will travel to a different host city each year.

Oxford Declaration

As a means of identifying the key points of action and capturing the essence of discussions, the 2012 World Literacy Summit saw the creation of the Oxford Declaration, a living document revisited at each World Literacy Summit.

Contributed to by World Literacy Summit delegates, the Oxford Declaration is a link between the biyearly events, allowing delegates to focus their discussions and reflect upon the achievements and ongoing concerns of the past two years.

The Oxford Declaration as an instrument in breaking down the barriers between government, business, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and the world’s citizens in an effort to promote greater literacy worldwide.